We are pleased to present our FREE Drop In and Learn (“DIAL”) weekly webinars. From best practices in preserving and presenting online sourced evidence to essential critical thinking skills, OSINT techniques, and through provoking cyber security practices, each week we feature a different expert guest to keep you informed.
June 4 (1500 hrs UTC)
“Getting the Most Out of Google” with Nico Dekens
June 11 (1700 hrs UTC)
“Medical Intelligence, Pandemics and Global Health Emergencies: A Practitioner’s Perspective” with Chelsey Goodman
June 18 (1700 hrs UTC)
“Cyber Risks During COVID: Small and Medium Business Edition” with Dominic Vogel
Running time of the DIAL webinars ranges from 30 to 45 minutes and registration is free. To sign up and find out about upcoming webinars please visit dropinandlearn.org – past editions are available on the DIAL YouTube Channel.